Mathilde Berry
Feeling the light

Paintings inspired by the divine feminine, light, love and my own journey healing from trauma

Artist statement

The divine feminine, light, love and trauma healing are at the core of my artwork.


I experience the divine feminine as a powerful spiritual energy, rooted in the body, the source of my intuition, empathy and creativity.

My deepest longing is to convey in my art our inner light, our capacity to love and heal, and to examine the shadows that we carry inside of us.

This is my authentic way of relating to the beauty of the universe and to address personal and collective trauma in all its intensity.

Feeling the light and welcoming the darkness allows me to connect deeply with our common humanity in a sometimes raw, sometimes lyrical fashion, always truthful and open-hearted.


Vivid colours often characterise my paintings.

Golden hues, various shades of white, yellow and orange translate different aspects of light: a spiritual flame, sacred beauty, sunlight, femininity or pure joy.

I use red, magenta and purple to convey strong energy fields and life force, from anger to power to sensuality, deep healing and eternal love.

Blue and green bring forward my relationship to nature, from the rawness of the ocean to the immensity of the sky and the mystery of the forest.

Darker shades tend to symbolise unknown physical or emotional territories.


I create acrylic and mixed media paintings from my studio in Hamburg, Germany.

I use dynamic brushstrokes, my hands and fingers, or unusual tools to mark geometric shapes, form organic lines and give structure to my creations.

I wish my art to resonate with a particular chord in the viewer’s soul, where our common humanity meets.

Find out more about my process

This video from 2018 is in German. You can choose subtitles in French and English if required.

I share more on my artistic and my own healing journey here.